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There are two types of fees in Sablier: broker fees and protocol fees. Both are charged when a stream is created. In the event of an early stream cancellation, the fees are not refunded.

Broker fees

In the Sablier ecosystem, a "broker" is any third-party entity that interacts with the Sablier Protocol on behalf of other users. These brokers have the ability to charge service fees for facilitating such interactions.

Broker fees are particularly useful for front-end applications that integrate the Sablier Protocol. They enable front-end operators to levy a fee on each Sablier stream created through their platform.

The broker fee is a percentage of the streamed amount, and it cannot be higher than 10%.

Protocol Fees

The Sablier Protocol features a fee parameter that the Protocol Admin can enable for specific ERC-20 assets.

Just like broker fees, the protocol fee is charged as a percentage of the streamed amount (not a flat rate). The difference is that this fee applies globally to all streams created with a particular ERC-20 asset, regardless of the stream creation method — be it through the Sablier Interface or a third-party front-end application integrating the Sablier Protocol.

The Admin has the ability to modify the protocol fee for individual ERC-20 assets; however, no fee can exceed the hard-coded limit of 10%.


The protocol fee is currently set to 0% for all ERC-20 assets.